Getting started
Table of contents
X-Update ensures that the latest code for modules, preloads and themes is always deployed.
In order to reduce the overhead of getting ini
files from each store registered in X-Update,
we merge the static files using GitHub pages.
Note that any future changes made to the `ini` file of xupdate_store
must be updated in the gh-pages branch of the xupdate-store repository.
INI File
An .ini
file contains configuration information in a simple, predefined format.
It is used by applications to store information about the preferences and operating environment.
These files are plain text files with a basic structure comprised of properties and sections.
It is pronounced as “dot in-ee” or simply “in-ee” file, where .ini signifies “initialization.”
Initialization File should always use the UTF-8 character encoding.
This means the content also needs to be saved as UTF-8.
Format of .ini file
Property : The basic element contained in an .ini
file is a property.
Each property includes a name and a value that are delimited using a sign =
This is represented in the format “keyname=value”.
Section : The properties can be arranged into arbitrarily named “sections” in the file.
Every section begins with a section header containing a section name in the square brackets.
For example, [section name]
Comment : The semicolons ;
used at the start of the line represent a comment.
The commented lines are usually ignored.
Format of modules.ini
“modules.ini” needs to be UTF-8 encoding.
Two or more specifications are possible for
- “no_update[]”,
- “no_overwrite[]”,
- “writable_dir[]”,
- “writable_file[]”,
- “delete_dir[]” and “delete_file[]” respectively.
[ItemKey] ; Probably it will be the same as that of target_key, and is good.
dirname = "dirname" ; module directory name (string)
target_key = "UniqKey" ; Unique key (string)
target_type = "X2Module" ; TrustMudule , X2Module or Theme (string)
version = 1.00 ; Version numbar (float)
detailed_version = "" ; Detailed version (string) [optional]
replicatable= false ; Replicable i.e. D3 (bool)
addon_url = "https://" ; Archive URL ( %s replaces target_key ) (string)
detail_url = "https://" ; Detail page URL [optional] (string)
changes_url = "https://" ; Recent changes page URL [optional] (string)
license = "GPL" ; Software license (string)
required = "normal" ; required , recommend or normal (string)
description = "" ; General description
screen_shot = "https://" ; URL screenshot (Theme only) [optional] (string)
tag = "" ; Tags (separated with a space) [optional] (string)
force_languages = "" ; Force upload language directory with `Used language only`. [optional] (string comma delimited)
no_update[] = "" ; Do copy only installing [optional] (string)
no_overwrite[] = "" ; Do copy only file not exists [optional] (string)
writable_dir[] = "" ; Set write permission to directory [optional] (string)
writable_file[] = "" ; Set write permission to file [optional] (string)
delete_dir[] = "" ; Delete unnecessary Directory [optional] (string)
delete_file[] = "" ; Delete unnecessary File [optional] (string)
Label of ini files for X-update
{: .label .label-green }
{: .label .label-blue }
{: .label .label-purple }
{: .label .label-yellow }
{: .label .label-red }
GIT commit
- Enter ‘git status’ to see the changes to be committed.
- Enter ‘git commit -m
' at the command line to commit new files changes to the local repository. For the ' ' you can enter anything that describes the changes you are committing. - Commit files to the xupdate-store Git repository.
Branch gh-pages
Set-up the gh-pages tracking branch (when the remote name is origin)
git fetch origin git checkout -b gh-pages origin / gh-pages
Modify & commit
First time :
git push -u origin gh-pages to track with -u option
Then :
git pull
A simple git push will do fine.